~ Bad Perform ~

Adalah hanya sebuah blog biasa yang kebanyakan mengisahkan kehidupan sehari-hari si pemilik dan menyebarkan ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan yang di dapat (walau baru sedikit ilmu-ilmu yang baru di posting) :D

Foto saya
♥ Badminton & Bima Wirawan

STORY TELLING .............


A. Is the 6 pillars of character in accordance with the character of our nation?

  • For now, that six pillars are not being reflected by our nation
B. Give the reason! 
  • Because many people that is not being honest,corruption everywhere and the punisment is not equal
    Many judger of law is corrupt,war between the tribes still going and unfiltered foreign culture that its in our country


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