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♥ Badminton & Bima Wirawan

STORY TELLING .............



Date of Birth : 1452
Profession     : Painter, Inventor,Designer,Architect,Scientist,Engineer

The illegimate son of a notary and peasant woman, Leonardo da Vinci was raised in Tuscany. Like many destined to be superstars, he had no surname. Vinci being the town in which he was born.

At age 14, he was apprenticed to a florentine painter, verrochio, who taught him chemistry drafting,painting.sculpting,and modelling. When he was 20, Leonardo estabilished his own workshop, and then travelled across Itally, eventually painting his great masterpieces "The las Supper" in 1498 and "The Mona Lisa" in 1503-1507.

During his travels, Leonardo studied the world with curiosity, recording his observation in mirror writing within his notebook. While under the employ of Ludovico Sforza and than Cesare Borgia, he created designs for a helicopter,tank,naval bomber, and machine gun. He was also an engineer designing garrisons and movable barricades.

Despite this epic list of accomplishments, Leonardo was hounded by his patrons for his chronic procratination. Pieces frequently took years longer than he anticipated and many were never finished at all.

Leonardo also had a tumultous love live. Accused of sodomy in 1476, he was most likely homosexual. Salai, his assistant, was accused of steal and spending to much money on clothes, but was also probably Leonardo's lover. Leonardo painted several pictures of Salai, icluding his famous "St.John the Baptist", and left "The MonaLisa" to him when he died in 1519

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